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Information for TFO Online

Thank you for choosing to complete your training with New Zealand Biosecurity Academy (NZBA). Please find enclosed information you should know when you or your team are completing an

MPI-approved training course with us.

Transitional Facility Operator Online Course

Prior Preparation

MPI require you to complete a short assignment prior to the complet​​ion of the training course. Please email this assignment to the course facilitator (you will receive a welcome email from the facilitator shortly), failure to do so will result in you not being able to attend the webinar and having to rebook.

What to have with you for the Online Training Course​

  • your completed assignment  (PLEASE CLICK THE LINK)

  • a printed copy of TFGEN Standard (link is within the assignment)

  • a printed copy of TFGEN Guidance Document (link is within the assignment)

  • your Transitional Facility Operating Manual or a printed copy of the TF Manual template (see p.4).

  • one of the following IDs: Passport, NZ Drivers Licence, or NZ Firearms Licence

What to Expect

A major part of the process to gain approval as a TFO is attending a Ministry for Primary Industries workshop.


NZBA offers an approved TFO workshop which promotes and reinforces biosecurity awareness, helps participants understand their legal requirements as an Operator, and gives invaluable assistance with putting biosecurity measures in place at their facility.


The Transitional Facility Operator Online Course consists of learning activities via webinar. Candidates must have access to:


  • a good quality, stable internet connection

  • a laptop or desktop computer

  • a web cam and microphone

 Each webinar is concluded by a short assessment, completed online. Candidates are required to pass the assessment to be approved by MPI.


Duration of Course

The TFO online course is divided into two 4-hour consecutive sessions:


  • 1:30pm - 5:30pm (Monday and Tuesday)


As specified by MPI, training is only provided in English. If English is not the participant's first language, a basic understanding of written or oral English is required. If your organisation has any concerns, please contact NZBA to discuss.


A short online assessment must be completed at the conclusion of the course. You must pass this assessment to be recognised by MPI as an Transitional Facility Operator.


All candidates must:

  • Obey any reasonable instruction of the course facilitator

  • Not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs

The completion of testing or training is subject to cancellation in the event of unsafe conditions. Our course facilitator will make a decision relating to safety concerns in consultation with candidates.​​


Respect for Others

More often than not there will be other people being trained with you. Please respect the rights of other people and our facilitators by refraining from:

  • Inappropriate language, acts or gestures

  • Harassment of any form

  • Disruption behavior which impacts others

If you are requested to leave the training / assessment session due to your behavior, no refund of fees paid will occur. 

Time Keeping

Assessment or course start and finish times must be adhered to.  Please join the webinar via the link emailed to you by the facilitator, at least 5-10 minutes prior to the webinar start time.  Latecomers will only be accepted at the discretion of our course facilitator.


If following a verbal warning, or warnings, a candidate continues to fail to adhere to any of the enclosed stated terms and conditions, a reasonable instruction from a course facilitator, the candidate will be removed from the webinar.

Photo Identification​

All candidates completing the MPI Transitional Facility Operator Online Course must show the course facilitator at the time of the course either a NZ Drivers licence, Passport, or Firearms Licence. Temporary NZ Drivers licences must be accompanied with another form of photo ID.   

Assistance Required​

Please advise our team (in confidence) before the start of the first webinar of any learning difficulties you, or in the case of employers, your employee, may have e.g. difficulty in reading or hearing. If candidates have difficulties during the course they should not hesitate to talk to our team.


Your attendance for the course is confirmed by receipt of this Confirmation Email/Letter. If you are unable to attend the training course, the following cancellation or no show policy applies:

  • 48 hrs+ hours prior to scheduled training date - 100% refund of course fees paid excluding administration fee

  • 24-48 hrs hours prior to scheduled training date - 50% refund of course fees paid excluding administration fee

  • 12-24 hrs prior to scheduled training date - no refund of fees paid, or other non re-funded travel / disbursement costs

  • Removed from the training / assessment online session due to your behavior – no refund of fees

  • Alternatively, you may choose to rebook to an alternative mutually convenient day/time for training


Should you/your candidate(s) not join the online training sessions, without prior notification to NZBA, we offer no refund and payment in full will be pursued. If a course does not reach minimum numbers or, for some other unavoidable reason is cancelled, your fee will be refunded in full.

​We are happy to substitute attendees with appropriate warning and as long as they meet any required criteria.


At the sole discretion of NZBA, circumstances which prevent a candidate from completing an online assessment or training course will be considered in the provision of refunds.

Administration Fee

Where a request for cancellation of services is received a minimum of 24 hours prior to the intended time/date of services to be delivered, AND a refund of fees is requested, a full refund will be made by New Zealand Biosecurity Academy excluding an administration fee of $30+GST. An administration fee of $30+GST will also be charged for any postponement request within 24 hours prior to the intended time/date of services to be delivered or if you do not have the required assignments completed or other relevant documents for the course (or entry requirements) and we need to reschedule you into a new course date.



The opportunity for re-assessment is available if the candidate doesn’t achieve competence. Please talk to our training team about re-assessment requests.

Complaint / Appeals Procedure

Complaints arising from any course or if you wish to appeal any judgment or finding relating to your assessment please:​

  • Discuss with our assessment / training team at the time.

  • If you are still not satisfied, appeal in writing within 24hrs to the Training Coordinator.


​Personal information or business information supplied by customers in training/coaching sessions will be treated as confidential. It will not be disclosed to a third party (excluding MPI) without the client's prior permission, save where required by law or where action might be necessary to prevent harm to the client or someone else.

Terms and Conditions

By attending any training and/or assessment conducted by New Zealand Biosecurity Academy, you are agreeing to the above clauses along with our Terms and Conditions

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